WRITE FROM WRONG Across nearly a dozen internationally-acclaimed and award-nominated novels, the Hector Lassiter series has served its readers a seductive secret history of 20th century crime, politics and the arts, garnished with a twist of noir. Hector—wanderer, lover and a fiction author frequently described by literary critics as "living what he writes and writing what he lives"—has served as witness and even catalyst to some of his turbulent age's darkest historic and artistic moments. In this last, life-spanning book, Craig McDonald further informs and fits the capstone on the Lassiter saga with a fusion of classic hardboiled pulp-style storytelling and a subtle literary undertow. Noted acquaintances and "characters" from the previous novels also take their final bows, including Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles, Lester Dent, Walter B. Gibson and Dashiell Hammett for a last, historical romp through the 20th Century and beyond, spanning romantic Ragtime America to our increasingly treacherous digital age. Write from Wrong presents a poignant and provocative portrait of the author always striving to lay down "one true sentence." This is the last installment of McDonald's Edgar/Anthony-awards nominated series, but also stands as an entry point for new readers to experience a crime series BookPage declared "wildly inventive" and The Chicago Tribune the "most unusual, and readable crime fiction to come along in years." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Order now! Paperback eBook Betimes Books, trade paperback, July 2021: ISBN: 978-1916156593 |